We can help you become a Referral Agent

Earn money by referring potential buyers or sellers!

This is a great opportunity for:

  • Agents retired (or retiring) from real estate

  • Agents who do not want to work full-time

  • Agents who have left real estate for another career

  • Agents who want to refer family and friends

  • Newly licensed agents who have another career


  • Active real estate license in Illinois

  • Signed referral agreement and documentation

  • Annual continuing education of 8 hours

  • One-time joining fee of $200

  • No annual fees or dues

Benefits of ONEChicago Holding :

  • You may refer to a specific licensed agent or we can assign an agent

  • We place referrals for you and make sure you get paid

  • You have the ability to refer anywhere, including internationally

Referral agents will receive a percentage of the commission for each referral they send that results in a sale and closing, based on an annual published commission split schedule.

Our team is ready to guide you through the process. Click SCHEDULE to setup your confidential appointment.